Monday, March 17, 2008

The Grand Weaver

We are one step closer to bringing Gabriela Marie home forever. Her big brother, Joe, had his two year check up recently and he is getting sooo big. He is healthy and looking forward to meeting his baby sister Ella. We might need to plan a trip soon so we can hold her. Adoption is an amazing journey. You must be strong and faithful. Leaning not on your own understanding, but on the wisdom of God. All children are gifts from God and treasures from heaven. We are thankful for the opportunity to share this journey of life with our children, the ups, the downs and the in betweens.

Ravi Zacharias has written many Christian books. One I am now reading is The Grand Weaver, How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives. He asks the question, are the threads of our lives accidentally tangled or intentionally arranged? It is common to believe that great events such as a death or a birth are guided by the hand of God. Yet we can easily drift into feeling that our daily lives are not sovereignly directed, but are simply the product of our own efforts. This book brims with stories that show us otherwise. From a chance encounter at a cricket match to a beloved father's final words before dying, from a random phone call to a line in a Scripture reading. Dr. Zacharias reveals how every detail of his life has been woven into its perfect place. Then he encourages us to examine our backgrounds, our disappointments, our triumphs, and our beliefs in a different light, explaining how they are all part of the intentional and perfect work of the Grand Weaver.

I do not think it was by chance that we adopted Joe 19 months ago and now his biological sibling is to join our family too. God knew before they were born they would both be a part of our family and their older brothers and sisters would joyfully welcome them. We do not remember life without Joe and we are so anxiously awaiting Ella. Our children are so accepting with unconditional love. Their hearts are true testimonies for all to see. Jesus loves children and when asked who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus called a little child to stand among them. And He said:
" I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. " (Mathhew 18:2-4).

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