Thursday, December 3, 2009

While You Were Sleeping

Sometimes I feel helpless. As if the need is so great and I am so small. I know that is not true, but I also know that I need to act.... NOW! I can't put it off any longer; there's no time to waste.
Backup with me for a second.... I was listening to our local Christian radio station and the Casting Crowns song, "While You Were Sleeping," came on. Have you heard that song? If not, I have embedded it at the bottom of this post so you can listen to it. :) As I was listening to the song, I felt that God had played it for me to listen to. There is a part in the song that says,

"And we're sung to sleep by philosophies
That save the trees and kill the children..."

Really? Has our nation come to be that ignorant? There are so many extremists who fight to "Save the Trees" and "Prevent Global Warming," but they are missing the big picture. While these people are rioting about saving trees and paper, HUMAN LIVES are being LOST! What if people cared about their brothers and sisters as much as they care about "Saving the Planet"? What if all the energy of fighting a natural cause that won't change was put into fighting for lives? Do you know how many lives would be saved if that happened? Sometimes I feel like YELLING at the ignorant, self-loving people of our nation, but then I stop and realize that I am one of them, too.
What am I doing right at this moment that is benefitting the cause of the orphans? I keep waiting for that "perfect opportunity" to come where I just "get" what I am supposed to do, but, as I wait, CHILDREN are DYING. As I sit here, trying to figure out what to do, childrens' lives are being spared... Childrens' lives that I could be PREVENTING if I wasn't sitting here trying to map everything out.
I DO serve the orphans. I advocate about them on a daily basis and am working hard to get Room for One More up and running so we can start to fund adoptions, but I KNOW there is more to be done. I am not super woman, and I can't fly in and save all 147 million orphans, but I can do MY PART... and you can do your part.

I am just torn apart by the Casting Crowns song. Their lyrics have hit me hard, and I'm trying to organize my thoughts. All I know now is- something is going to come out of this... and it's going to be BIG. We are going to blow the stakes out of the water and we are going to make a BIG difference... I am just going to think and pray about what that is going to be now. Will you join me?

This next verse of the song makes me want to cry. I am so sad at what our nation is turning into; we are getting less and less Christian by the minute.

"America, what will we miss while we are sleeping?
Will Jesus come again
And leave us slumbering where we lay?
America, will we go down in history
As a nation with no room for its King?
Will we be sleeping?
Will we be sleeping?"
(While You Were Sleeping, Casting Crowns)

I don't want to go down without doing something to better His kingdom. As a nation, we are missing all of the signs saying "Come to me; I will save your people and get you out of your recession," but as Christians, we can see those signs from our Father. The question is- What will WE do about them? Will we be sleeping and miss our chance? OR Will we turn our words into action?

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

YEs! you are back! I totally had quit reading! Preach it sister. I am loving where this is going...Challenge us!
Just read the story of Darya and WOW I am BLOWN away! What an awesome picture of a child's heart. So Lydia, if you read this, YOU GO YOUNG WOMAN! To be more like you!
Much love!