Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A 4 Year Old's Take
I was sitting at the computer and Joe came up to me to tell me that Grace needed a towel.
Not letting a moment like this pass,
I swooped him up, gave him a big ole hug, sat him on my lap,
and said
"Oh, Joe, let me see that handsome smile!"
He responded with a huge smile
full of joy and pride
and then a look of confusion engulfed his face
as he said
"My hands don't smile; they wiggle!"
and proceeded to wiggle his fingers!
The way his little mind works just entices me!
Hand-some has a whole new definition
in the mind of my silly 4 year old!
I love that little bundle of joy and love!
He is smart, loving, compassionate, caring, hard-headed
and a real-life giggle box!
I love to listen to him laugh
and his funny remarks, like the one above,
are sometimes just too cute not to share!
I love you so much, Joe!!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
truest love...
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:13-16
...is our Savior's love for His children!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Boys Home, Birthday, Recital, OH MY!
These two handsome boys just got back from the beach.
They left Sunday (May 30) to spend a week with Mimi and Papa (Greg's parents) and cousin Harrison.
This was their first time to go on a 'big trip' all by themselves, and they were certainly missed! I am not sure how much they missed us, though.
A whole week of relaxation?
and, uh QUIET???
I don't know if they realize how good they had it!
They had a FANTASTIC time going to the beach (almost every day!), drinking smoothies by the pool (the highlight of EVERY Florida trip, I might add), and biking around the area. They rented bikes for the week, and rode their bikes ALL OVER!
John and James have definitely come back a bit more tan and proud of their newly appointed freedom.
But they were so excited to see Joe and Ella and the girls again... and vice versa!
Ella looks pretty happy to have James home!
The boys came back Saturday... which was a pretty important day for a certain 12 year old in our house!
James turned the big 1-2 on June 5th!
Sarah, Anna Grace, and Joe made James a birthday sign to greet him when he got home!
I am so proud of the young man James is becoming!
He is sweet and loving toward his brothers and sisters.
He is creative and smart... and loves to build or take apart ANYTHING!
He is my go-to-guy whenever I need something fixed or repaired.
And, most importantly, he loves and follows God and cares about everyone around him.
I know that God has some wonderful plans for James,
and I am so grateful that I get to witness it as it happens!
And for his birthday, James got to go see his sisters' dance recital!
Sarah and Anna Grace's dance recital always falls on the weekend of James's birthday... and this year was not any different...
EXCEPT it was the first year that we made John and James go!
Sarah (14) has been dancing since she was 5 years old,
Anna Grace (8) since she was 4,
and the girls and I thought it was about time for the boys to see what goes on beyond the dance practices, makeup, and costumes.
Overall I think it went well (taking John and James).
And Sarah and Anna Grace did a wonderful job!
That was our Saturday! We are so happy to have John and James back home; James celebrated his birthday Sunday with a cake and a new bike; and another successful dance recital is under our belts!
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