Sunday, August 17, 2008


I have won a blog award!!! Cheri over at has given me this special award. She actually gave it to me a few weeks ago, but I wanted to get all of Ella's pictures up first. Thanks Cheri!!!

This award comes with some rules so here they are:
1. Put the logo on your blog.- Check
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.- click on the blogspot above
3. You must nominate 7 fellow bloggers for this award.- check below
4. Add links to the recipients.- check
5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award.- check
6. Copy and Paste and answer the questions

A. Attached or Single? Attached
B. Best Friend? I have too many way awesome friends it is hard to pick just one!
C. Cake or Pie? Pie
D. Day of Choice? Friday
E. Essential item? Bible
F. Favorite Color? Yellow
G. Gummy Bears or Worms? Gummy Bears
H. Home Town? Jefferson City
I. Indulgence? Chocolate
J. January or July? July- my birthday month!!!
K. Kids? 6
L. Life isn't complete without? Jesus
M. Marriage date? February 12, 1994
N. Number of Brothers and Sisters? 3 sisters
O. Oranges or Apples? Apples
P. Phobias? Anything that goes in circles
Q. Quote? "One adoption may not change the world, but it will change the world for one child."
R. Reason to Smile? Spending time with my husband and our amazing kids and watching how much they have grown in God's love and their understanding of Him.
S. Season of choice? Fall
T. Tag 7 People. See below
U. Unknown fact about me? I really want to learn how to play the electric guitar
V. Vegetable? Snow Peas
W. Worst Habit? Being late for everything!
X. X-Ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound
Y. Your Favorite Food? Pasta
Z. Zodiac Sign? I don't like these things so I am not going to answer this question.

Now for the 7 people I am going to award. Well I think I am one of the last people to receive this award and a lot of my blog friends have already been awarded the Brilliant Weblog award, but here are a few of the blogs that I follow that have not received the award:

Ella Marie Boutique, my clothing blog
Chantelle and Bianca and soon to be sweetie pie from Ethiopia
Lindsey and sweet Eliana
Courtney and Stella
Leah and Baby Gabre
Katie and her twins Arianna and Brayden
Darci and Lucia

I am sorry if I left anyone out. If you would like for me to put a link to your blog just leave me a comment!


Chantelle said...

LOVE THE VIDEO of your dad!!!!
Hilarious, and I am sure he really appreciates it also!
Too funny!
Thanks for my award. I will try to post it on my blog, but alas, I am kind of lazy!
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I have just praised God for your alls miracle. God has laid it on my heart for three years to adopt. My husband has just announced a few weeks ago, he is ready to adopt and knows God is calling us. This is a miracle, praise God. I wanted to adopt from Guatemala so bad. Please pray God will direct us with a direction where to go.
If you have any suggestions, please write me. We are praying about Amazing Grace in NC. We live in NC. God bless,

Stroup Family said...

So glad to hear from you! So glad to hear about your decision to adopt. These kids really need You and others willing to step out in faith and bring them into a loving family. I will email you to chat.... Thank God for your heart!!! He is so Good!