Friday, May 14, 2010

Never. A. Dull. Moment.

A Friday night wouldn't be complete without a trip to the ER, now would it?!

Let me explain:
Greg, John, James, and John's friend Benjamin were playing basketball this evening, enjoying the hard-to-come-by nice weather.  The basketball game got intense, and as John was making his way to shoot a lay-up, James "got in his way" and fell into the grass... and he happened to fall on a rusty nail.  Now if anyone can get hurt by the ONLY nail in our WHOLE yard, James can... and James DID.  I will spare details and pictures, but when he showed came inside to show me, there was a hole down the side of his leg long-ways, about 3-4 inches long.  OUCH!!!  So Greg and I took him to the emergency room to get checked out, left Sarah at home to hold down the fort, got in to see a doctor quickly (which is an ER miracle), and James got the full treatment- complete with an x-ray to look for any metal left in his leg, an alcohol rinse to clean the incision, some strips to hold his 'owie' together, and a Tetanus shot.  We are SO thankful that that is the all that happened.  It would have been much worse!  And, we are home and safe now... and trying to avoid any confrontation with rusty nails.


***On a lighter note, I thought I'd give you a little glimpse into our week (in no particular order):

This is what our driveway currently looks like.  There is a shoulder being added on our street... and so we have tractors, piles of gravel, and cones decorating our front yard:

Current FAVORITE toy: dirt bike.
John was nice enough to let Anna Grace have a try at driving, too.

Sarah's school performed The Sound of Music last weekend.  The Jr. High is known around the community for their amazing performances and this one was no different.

Our newest additions- 9 furry balls of cuteness
More on these precious guys later

****I hope you had a more successful Friday night filled with fun times and no ER runs.  We are finishing off the weekend with dance practices and basketball tournaments... and the kids are celebrating as they get out of school next Tuesday (Sarah) and Wednesday (John, James, Anna Grace).  SUMMER HERE WE COME!!!


1 comment:

Sophie said...

Ouch! Sorry to hear about your son's accident sounds like a nasty one. I know all too well what it's like to have freaky accidents. With 5 boys in the house someone is always getting hurt. Hoping he heals quickly and congratulations on your newest arrivals.